Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Check out my recently launched site: the lyle project on tumblr

Here is a re-post of the the original idea behind starting the new site. 

Originally posted May 31, 2011 on the lyle project
the lyle project: an idea.
my first post on tumblr.
i want the lyle project to be a simple outlet for my thoughts and creations.  an experiment with           writing, photography, and film.  a new outlet for creating.  the scope of it can include anything i want, from what i ate that day, to upcoming projects, to ideas i’m still trying to work out.  but it will always be my own expressions.
i will continue to use as my main site for highlighting my productions, showing what i’ve been creating and to share what others have done that i find impressive, inspiring and worth attention.  some of the postings from the lyle project will make their way over to and vice versa.
the idea is that things don’t have to be perfect but instead this will be an outlet, a way to experiment, and hopefully through this process create something interesting.

So please check it out and feel free to let me know what you think.

Thank you.

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